Students gain exciting real-world experience in our rocketry program.
First year students are faced with the goal of lofting a one pound payload to an altitude of one mile. In the second year, they are challenged to design and build a rocket that will break the speed of sound and travel to altitudes of up to 13,000 feet.
Utilizing principles from physics and math, student teams design their rockets to meet the launch requirements. Then they travel to NASA in Houston and give a professional presentation of their designs to NASA engineers. Together they discuss ways to make improvements to their designs.
In order to provide these opportunities, we work with SystemsGo, an educational non-profit dedicated to helping students pursue careers in STEM fields (Science Technology Engineering and Math). SystemsGo provides both curriculum support as well as access to the launch facilities student will travel to at the end of the year to test their rockets.
Some of our aspiring rocket scientists were recently featured in an article in the UTA Shorthorn.