Graduate Testimonials: “The Best Thing You Learned at Northstar…”

Ryan Klenzendorf
Class of 2013, UTA graduate
Mechanical Engineering major/ German minor
“The higher caliber of work expected by the teachers at Northstar, coupled with the advanced subjects, heavy workload, and so many extracurricular activities were what I think set me apart from other students coming into college. Also since the classes were small at Northstar, I received the opportunity for more one-on-one time with the teachers which helped my understanding of the subjects even more.”
Ryan's accomplishments include:
UTA Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Team as a manufacturer of composites
Machinist/tools manager for our 2014 Lincoln, Nebraska competition
Mentored several students in German at UT
Chief Engineer of Formula F600 Shock Absorber Project in summer of 2016
Machinist Trainer for the UTA Formula SAE Team
Quality Assurance Manager for Chili’s Grill and Bar
Outstanding Achievement in Beginning German II and at the 2000 Level
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Secretary for Pi Tau Sigma (UTA Mechanical Engineering Honor Society)
Dauntae Sanchez
Class of 2018
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science with a concentration in Cyber Security and Blockchain
“You have to learn how to network with friends, if you can get friends with many people that opens the door to many more possibilities.”
Dauntae's Accomplishments Include:
Rose-Hulman Hackers
Vice-President Linux users group
Interned three times as a Security Analyst for Sony
Mentor for freshmen Computer Science students
President of the "Rose Tech Radio Club"; ham radio operator
Participate in a National Cyber Defense Competition
Studied abroad in Japan
Junior Security Engineer at DailyPay in New York
Kellie Hunn
Class of 2014
Johns Hopkins University graduate
Double major in International Studies and Public Health; Master's Degree in Public Health and Disaster Management from Tulane
“The opportunity and encouragement to be involved in many different things within and outside school. Having the ability to do that in college is extremely beneficial, especially your freshman year.”
Kellie's Accomplishments Include:
Research Assistant at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Applied Physics Lab
Club Equestrian Team
Pi Beta Phi Sorority
Sweetheart of Sigma Chi Fraternity
JHU News-letter Photographer
Free-Lance Photographer in Baltimore and DC
Internship: Media & External Relations- International Rescue Committee (aiding refugees settling in Baltimore)
Studied abroad in Vienna, Austria
Accepted into Peace Corps
Hazard Mitigation Intern at the New Orleans Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness

"There are numerous aspects of Northstar's curriculum and community that I would like to highlight for its ability to prepare me for my collegiate career. One aspect is the array of extracurriculars and academic programs Northstar has to offer. When I talk to peers, I quickly realize the vast amount of high level academic and athletic opportunities I was able to participate in compared to other students. Being a smaller school, Northstar allows its students to gain that much more exposure to unique clubs and extracurriculars one would not find at other schools. Another aspect I want to highlight is how the faculty exposed us to professional etiquette throughout my time at Northstar. Learning tasks as simple as writing a professional email or maintaining a resume made a huge difference in my transition to college and the professional world."
Sarah's Accomplishments Include:
● University Honors
● Nike Project Move Alumni
● Scottish Rite Sports Medicine Research Intern
● St. David's Medical Center Physical Therapy Volunteer
● UT Women's Ultimate Frisbee Team
● National Association of Athletic Trainers
Sarah Clifford
Class of 2019
University of Texas at Austin
Athletic Training Major
“Use the study tips and styles given at Northstar while there and figure out which one works best for you.
The way I study best now is based on one of the ways I was taught in Jr. High.
Mastering those is pertinent in your success in higher education.”
Nicole Ploetz
Class of 2015
Texas A&M University graduate
Double Major in Communication and Political Science with a Minor in Business
Nicole's Accomplishments Include:
Liberal Arts Department Dean's List
Alpha Delta Pi Sorority
HerCampus (an online magazine) writer
Pre Law Society
Philanthropy events for RMHC
The Big Event- TAMU service day
Panhellenic Delegate VP- ADPi Executive Board position
Senior Editor- HerCampus
Goldman Sachs Internship; Goldman Sachs employment
Nicole Dyer
Class of 2017
Graduate of Texas A&M University
Bachelors of Science in Aerospace Engineering

“One thing I've noticed in talking to people that graduated from big schools is that they got little to no help when applying to college. We talked about the application process, and it is easy to see that we were far more prepared to apply because of Northstar. Between the frequent meetings with our college consultant, all the help Mrs. Odom offered us, and knowing that we had support from Northstar, the whole process was so much easier and less daunting than it could have been. Especially in comparison to students at bigger schools that didn't have Northstar to help them.”
Nicole's Accomplishments Include:
Engineers Honors Program
Systems Go Alumni Association
Longhorn Science Olympiad Alumni Association
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Aggie Aerospace Women in Engineering
Undergraduate Research Assistant for 3 years in the Optical Diagnostics and Imaging Laboratory at Texas A&M, Mechanical Engineering Dept.
Director of the Texas A&M Sounding Rocketry Team, and 3.5 total years as a member
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control High-Speed Wind Tunnel - 2 terms as an intern, and now starting full time as a Systems Engineering Asc - Test Engineer
Lockheed Martin MFC - Student Ambassador (collegiate recruiting)
Radius Aerospace - 2 terms as a Quality Engineering intern
Sara Wilson
Class of 2020
Butler University
Pharmacy Major
Sara's Accomplishments Include:
Kappa Alpha Theta - Gamma Chapter - Financial Assistant
Information Commons Assistant - Butler Libraries
Project 44 - Partnered with Be the Match
Cru Ministries
Higher Education and Leadership Ministries Fellow
“Northstar is a school that offers unique experiences and opportunities that will shape your high school years greatly. Personally, Northstar helped me approach the college application process in a way that enabled me to feel comfortable and knowledgeable about what I was doing. I would even have friends ask me about applying to colleges because I knew how the process worked when their schools lacked that information. College has been the best decision I have made, and I think that Northstar had a significant role in getting me to where I am today. From building a resume, to working with teachers and faculty professionally and one-on-one, Northstar provided exactly what I needed as I moved into the next phase of my life.”
“Time management and Life Skills! Gator chores and interview skills. “
Emily Inglis
Class of 2014
Texas Christian University cum laude graduate,
John V. Roach Honors College,
BS degree in Environmental Science with a minor in Sustainability
Masters of Forestry at Southern Illinois University
Emily's Accomplishments Include:
Alpha Delta Pi Sorority
Environmental Club
The Wildlife Society
Dean's List (4.0 twice!)
Honors College
Intern at BRIT Education Department
“Use a planner! Network network network. Do what YOU want to do with your life-- there are more career options than you can even think of. Do your freakin homework. Teachers are there to help you not to hurt you. Do your dishes.”
Sunny Burleson
Class of 2016
Belmont University
Marketing graduate
Sunny's Accomplishment's Include:
Marketing Internship with Ryman Hospitality Properties
Advertising and Digital Media Promotions internship with Hustle Media
Public Relations Internship with Essential Broadcast Media PR (Worked for George Strait, Kenny Chesney, Darius Rucker, Michael Ray, Sebastian Maniscalco, and a few more)
Studied Abroad in Germany and Italy
Marketing strategy with Guild Mortgage in Portland
"Northstar did an absolutely incredible job at preparing him for college. He couldn't of been more prepared. Northstar also gave him the confidence to accomplish anything he set his heart to do."
Rebecca Schmitt

Parent Testimonials
“How Northstar Prepared My Child for College”
“One of the few arguments we had with our daughter Sunny was whether Northstar was preparing her for college or not. She would sometimes "ho and hum" over the work load that was required at Northstar as we would assure her she would soon be thankful for it.
She is now a Freshman at Belmont University, and we cannot thank Northstar enough for how well they prepared her for college. Many of her peers at Belmont seem to be struggling in many areas, not only with their school work load, but in life. Sunny has become a Life Skills teacher to her roommate, suite mates and hall residents. Sunny has been praised by professors for her excellent papers, points of view and adaptability. She has signed up for many opportunities in college because at Northstar it is just part of the fabric of the school. It's as if she didn't know there was any other way. How awesome it that?!!
As Sunny's parents we think all of this is due to Northstar. Life is not a well-oiled, running machine. The beauty in life is finding your place amidst the chaos. Northstar has this uncanny ability to help each student find their place, prepare them for college, while also preparing them for real life. We will always be eternally grateful for our child's incredible Northstar education.”
-Kimberly and Mike Burleson
“1. Northstar offers a rigorous curriculum with a college preparatory focus in almost all courses.
2. Faculty allow for independent thought and encourage the development and use of analytical skills.
3. Her self-confidence increased significantly while in high school at Northstar.
4. Many instructors encouraged initiative and self-directed study.
5. The small class size fostered personal friendships, social skill-building and camaraderie.”
-Brenda T. Cubbage
“The extensive and well rounded educational experience with students of comparable ability at Northstar has significantly contributed to Nicole's success in admission to outstanding engineering schools, scholarships, selection as a paid student research assistant, and recommendation for student internship at Lockheed Martin.”
-Douglas Dyer